多元化、公平、包容, and 归属感 (DEIB)

Creating an environment that embraces diversity, 保护权益, and promotes 包容 and belonging.

We believe we are a stronger organization when all voices and perspectives are equally represented, and we are committed to cultivating a culture of 包容 and connectedness. Acknowledging and valuing our employees as unique individuals, 有着丰富的生活经历, and different perspectives will lead to a culture that fosters growth, for all individuals and the organization as whole. Recruiting from a diverse talent pool of qualified candidates to attract and 保留 top industry talent and maintaining an inclusive work environment ensures ‘TeamUnitil’ is a shared reality for everyone.

Our DEIB framework focuses on education and awareness, 文化与人际关系, 承诺和伙伴关系, all with the overarching goal to empower, 保留, 培养所有员工. We are also demonstrating our commitment to DEIB through the expansion of recruitment channels to specifically engage veterans, 女性, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, 等. 




我们对多样性的承诺, 股本, 包容, and belonging is integral to our organization's core RISE values. We are dedicated to a diverse and inclusive workplace and embrace the genuine benefits DEIB brings to our organization, including our enhanced ability to attract and 保留 the diverse talent needed for long-term success in the evolving energy landscape.



Hear from Members of our DEIB Council

On a mission to involve employees from across the organization to lead, 参与, 以及自身的多样性, 股本, 包容, 以及归属倡议. Serving as an advisory body to Unitil's management and policy teams, they are putting words into actions that integrate into the Company’s policies, 项目, 和文化.


“与多样性, 股本, 和“包容”作为最佳实践, Unitil can continue to grow toward the betterment of not only our own workforce but also the communities in which we serve."

坦尼娅, Customer Relations Administrator


"DEI is important to me to help create a safe space for people to come to work and feel their contributions are valued. Having family members from the LGBTQ community also makes this an endeavor close to my heart. Looking forward to making positive impacts here for Unitil as well!"

贾斯汀,信用 & 集合


"DEI is important to me because it brings people together from all walks of life and promotes everyone to work together. When you do this you can learn new things from the different experiences people have had in their life, and discover different approaches to completing a common task. When a community is created that works together you can become very productive, and help accomplish the task at hand. I like getting to know people and their experiences."



"Being part of the minority, I believe I can lend my voice to experiences others have not had."




Platforms for sharing experiences, mentorships, and gaining insight. 直到DEIB理事会, 妇女网络(NOW), and Young Professionals of Unitil are passionate towards their causes and making Unitil more inclusive and inviting to all employees.


尊重、诚信、管理、 & 卓越

RISE signifies the four most central values of our organization. Our team strives to personify these core principles in all of our actions. As a new era of energy delivery dawns, we and the communities we serve will RISE.